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Easily navigate the fastest public transportation routes using interactive maps and real-time updates

Easily navigate the fastest public transportation routes using interactive maps and real-time updates

Vote: (4 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: TranzMate


Works under: Android


Program license

(4 votes)





Works under:



  • Real-time updates on transit schedules
  • Live navigation feature
  • Service alerts to notify users of transit disruptions
  • User-friendly interface


  • Some reported inaccuracies in bus stop locations


Moovit is a comprehensive Android app designed to provide users with all local transit mobility options. The app offers real-time updates, live navigation, and service alerts, making it easier for users to plan their journeys and get to their destinations on time.

Functionality and Features

With Moovit, users can access instant updates about public transportation schedules, including subway, bus, and train timings. The app also provides accurate transit maps for easy navigation. The standout feature is the real-time updates, which notify users of any changes in the transit schedule, ensuring they don't waste time waiting or miss their transport.

Moovit also offers live directions feature that guides users on their journey, which is particularly helpful for new commuters or those using a new route. The app provides service alerts, notifying users of any disruptions or changes in the transit service, which can significantly minimize travel-related inconveniences.

User Experience

The user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it simple for users to find the information they need. The app seems to be especially valuable to users who commute at unusual hours, as they can rely on the app's updates to know when their next bus or train is due. This can help reduce the uncertainty and stress associated with late-night or early-morning commuting.

However, some users have reported inconsistencies in bus stop locations, suggesting a potential area for improvement in the app’s accuracy. Despite this, the general consensus among users appears to be that Moovit is an efficient and helpful tool for navigating public transit in areas like Queens, NY, with operators offering assistance when needed.


On the whole, Moovit is a robust and reliable transit app that provides users with a wealth of real-time information to make their commutes easier. Although there are some reported inaccuracies, the app's overall functionality and the responsive support from operators make it a valuable tool for public transit users.


  • Real-time updates on transit schedules
  • Live navigation feature
  • Service alerts to notify users of transit disruptions
  • User-friendly interface


  • Some reported inaccuracies in bus stop locations